
Interview Patty

Where Do You Go From Here?

This article is based on critical questions I’m often asked by clients, who are smart and savvy women entrepreneurs ready for change.


From improving cash flow…. to increasing staff productivity…. to scaling for growth, these periods of transition — and so many more — provide both challenges and opportunities. Managed effectively, change can become a productive force for growth. The Block Group harnesses that potential, bringing together the people, resources and ideas that build results.

Patty-W-Block-Small-2All the best! 

Patty Block

©The Block Group Inc. All rights reserved.

Building Solid Companies That Move Forward

 Do I Really Need to Plan?



No, survival is optional. Or as Benjamin Franklin famously said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”


As business owners, we work hard to create, nurture and grow our companies. We put our heart and soul into it – because we made the conscious decision to follow our dreams, be our own boss and have more control of our lives.


But often, we find that, rather than running our company, our company is running us!


Building a solid company that moves forward requires effective leadership and strong infrastructure. When you define and communicate your strategic direction, this is the first step to putting your business on solid footing and positioning it for strategic growth.


Ultimately, every business owner who wants to scale for growth must invest in building communication systems, infrastructure, business processes and training programs that foster expansion as efficiently as possible. This takes leadership.

How Do I Know?



These early warning signs are among the most common concerns we hear from women business owners we work with. How many of these resonate with you?

  • Can potential referral sources explain what you do?
  • Do friends and colleagues send you referrals that don’t fit your target?
  • Do you struggle with clients you wish you could fire?
  • Do you try to be “all things to all people”?
  • Is your staff confused about the future and direction of your company?
  • Do you spend so much time putting out fires you can’t focus on strategic issues – for your company or for your clients?

What Happens Next?



Ignoring these early warning signs leads to serious consequences. How many of these are you already suffering from?

  • Is your revenue unsteady?
  • Do you lack good business leads?
  • Is there confusion in the marketplace?
  • Do you have unprofitable client accounts?
  • Is your company growth stunted?
  • Is your company reputation suffering?
  • Is your emotional stress level over the top?

How Do I Fix This?



Define your company’s strategic direction with some key questions:

  • What are the needs for my company, as a whole?
  • What are the 5 top priorities for the each quarter of the year?
  • What is the Short-Term Strategic Vision? Imagine one year from now and you’ve had a very successful year. What does that look like?
  • What is the Long-Term Strategic Vision? Look out 3 years; 5 years; 10 years.
  • How can I increase accountability to better accomplish key goals?
  • What differentiates my company from my competitors’?
  • What are the obstacles to achieving my strategic visions?
  • What can be done to address these obstacles?

With answers to these questions, you can develop a roadmap to bring clarity, confidence, and control to your company.


As a small company, you have an advantage in that you can spot trends from real data and real market experience, making decisions that you can implement quickly. This gives you a competitive edge, especially against larger companies that often struggle with bureaucracy and chain-of-command.


While this may feel overwhelming, by working with a trusted advisor who has a proven track record of success, you can map out your path.

Can You Give Me An Example?



One industry that has changed dramatically over the past 10 years in advertising.


A longtime client had built a successful advertising firm but when we started looking at how her company was positioned in the market, she realized that the perception was that she only handled retail advertising, like high-end cosmetics.


In fact, she worked primarily with industrial companies, which was much more profitable, but was less visible than the consumer advertising.



Working together, we crafted messages to better position her company in the industrial market and redefined her strategic direction to focus on a very specific niche: mid-market oil and gas service companies.


We then crafted her business development efforts around this market, changing the perception & dramatically increasing the profitability of her company.


When crafting your vision, be sure to factor in market realities. Do your research, ask the right questions and be receptive to new trends and ideas.

Now What?



If you struggle with your company running you, take the time to develop your strategic direction and a timeline for accomplishing your goals.

Take back control and don’t “…fail to plan.”

Business Coach in Houston


All the best! 

Patty Block

©The Block Group Inc. All rights reserved.

Building Solid Companies That Move Forward

Building Blocks

7941 Katy Fwy. #414
Houston, TX 77024 USA

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