
Interview Patty


Discover and Unlock Your Hidden Advantage to Unapologetically Generate More Revenue, Consistently and Predictably

A 12-Week Group Intensive to Accelerate Your Results

Unlock Your Hidden Advantage™

Unlock Your Hidden Advantage™

  • A proven system for women business owners who are experts, to build value and achieve your business dreams

  • The power of a group of peers combined with the convenience of working at your own pace
  • How to price your services to reflect the real value
  • How to increase your revenue with less stress
  • How to build your confidence to make these changes
  • How to communicate these changes (the question I'm asked most often!)

The Good Girl’s Dilemma™

I wonder if you grew up like I did. I was a ‘good girl’. I generally did what I was told and obeyed my parents’ standards: don't make a noise and don't make a mess.

I was expected to grow up, get my education, get married and have children. Period, end of sentence. I wasn't raised to be a breadwinner, but I was raised to be ambitious, high achieving, disciplined and competitive. Striving for excellence was always top of mind.


It was clear to me if I followed the rules, exceeded expectations, and was a ‘good girl’, I would be happy and fulfilled. Life was a straight line.


As adults, we know that life is full of twists and turns. With a surprise divorce when I was 35 and three little kids at home, my life turned upside down. How could this happen when I did everything ‘right’?


I think of this as the Good Girl’s Dilemma™: always wondering ‘am I doing this right?’ Or ‘what am I doing wrong?’ ‘How do I know if I’m going in the right direction?’

I developed Your Hidden Advantage™ Accelerator for all the ‘good girls’ who feel unfulfilled in their business.

You grew up, got your education, built relationships, and became an expert in your field. You likely had a corporate career and worked for some good and some terrible bosses until you took a leap of faith to build your own business.

You love the work you do and care deeply about your clients. You’ve made it this far, delivering excellence and great results. Your clients sing your praises.
And yet…

Running a business is hard. You need to learn new, complicated things. You need to (gasp!) sell. You need to figure out how to price, get people to understand who you are and how you help, find ready buyers, network productively, manage your client relationships, work efficiently, use technology effectively, handle your accounting, and manage people.

You need to set boundaries and expectations, have difficult conversations, innovate, and improve. You need to generate a healthy profit so you can do all of the above.

But here’s the twist…

As ‘good girls’, we are raised to think everyone else has ‘the answer’.

We’re not raised to trust our own instincts and intuition - or to create a business that operates on our own terms. We continue to believe there is some ‘cookie cutter’ approach that will magically solve all our problems.

We spend so much time and energy comparing ourselves to others, we lose sight of the real gifts we have. This ‘comparitis’ keeps us stuck, feeling embarrassed, exposed, and vulnerable.

We fall victim to other people's ‘proven success formulas’, thinking others have the ‘right’ answer. We live in an age of ‘gurus’ who keep telling us we’re doing it ‘wrong’.

There is no ‘right’ way to run a business – there is only your right way:

  • a way that aligns with who you are, and what and who you care about
  • a way that helps you see things clearly and upgrade your confidence
  • a way that streamlines the daily grind and maximizes the joy
  • a way that lets you fall back in love with your business

I’ve done it and I’ve helped countless women do the same. Since 2006, my mission has been to empower women business owners to design a more profitable future for their business by unlocking their hidden advantage.

Program Details

Most programs focus on the money mindset OR the mechanics. This Accelerator does both, answering the ‘what, why, who, when and how’ of business success, to get better results faster.     


A lot of people are teaching simplistic formulas and making big promises. I developed the SNAP System™ as a framework to approach your business differently and implement growth plans your way.  


Formulas need a ‘right’ answer; the SNAP System™ framework offers a right answer for you.  

What’s Included?

  • With Patty as your guide, you can shift from pushing on alone to accelerating your business with validated wisdom, strategies and techniques

  • A proven system for women business owners who are experts, to build value and achieve your business dreams: the SNAP System™

  • Weekly live group coaching meetings online, plus weekly Q&A sessions, over a 12-week period

  • Recordings of all meetings

  • A signed copy of Patty’s book: Your Hidden Advantage: Unlock the Power to Attract Right-fit Clients and Boost Your Revenue

  • Lifetime access to The Block Group’s Value Driven Pricing program. This core content is the centerpiece of building revenue.

  • Tools, templates and techniques to:

    • shift your thinking and address your limiting beliefs
    • identify and find your ideal buyer
    • develop or refine your customized pricing model
    • build your confidence to communicate powerfully and effectively
  • The power of a group of peers, with dynamic perspectives and insights, and trust and discretion at our core

What is the Investment?

Previous participants have seen a speedy return on investment when they start putting the SNAP! System™ to work.

The Accelerator is a five-figure investment and there are payment plans available.

There is also an option to add private sessions with Patty.

Unlock Your Hidden Advantage™

Run your business your  way, unapologetically generating more revenue, consistently and predictably.

"What the program has really done is give me the confidence, so I'm not second-guessing myself and not doubting..."

"One of the wonderful things about working with Patty is she's providing this from a woman's perspective. A lot of the insights speak directly to me."

Paige Donnell
Founder & CEO, Paige PR

"The thing that made me go 'WOW!' was how to get away from an hourly model..."

Jeni Golomb

Founder & Managing Director, Bamboo Branding

"I started to see the possibility of billing clients for expertise..."

Geneve Huxley, CPA

CEO, Huxley CPA Consulting, LLC

"It's already been transformational for me..."

Sophie Michals
Owner, (SM) Edits, LLC

About Patty

In a former life, I was a political consultant and lobbyist. I loved it, it was fascinating, and I'd never do it again. But my experiences informed why I do what I do today.

My biggest struggle was that my revenue was tied to the election cycle, making my income erratic. If there were resources that could help me grow and scale my company back then, I didn't know how to find them and I didn't know who to trust.

I was a really good consultant but I had no sales training or experience with pricing. I felt frustrated, embarrassed, and afraid that I couldn’t make this work.

Ultimately, with a surprise divorce and three little kids at home, I closed my firm and gained years of experience as Director of Operations at a leading international school.

Those experiences motivated me to become that resource for other women business owners, founding The Block Group in 2006.

I bring a unique perspective, having experienced and solved many of the same complex issues we face as women, as leaders, as moms, daughters and sisters.

62% of women rely on their businesses for their primary income, yet 88% of these businesses generate less than $100,000 in annual revenue.

Having seen the same struggles time and again, I teach women how to shift their mindset and build their confidence to generate more revenue with less stress.

Managed effectively, change can become a productive force for growth. The Block Group harnesses that potential, turning roadblocks into building blocks for women-owned businesses.

How do I know if this Program is right for me?

  • You are a women who owns and operates a service company (consultant, coach, or professional service provider)

  • You've been in business 2-10 years or more

  • You are either a solopreneur or you lead a team of people

  • You have direct relationships with your clients

  • You control what you charge, how you collect payment, and how you spend

  • You want to bring in more money with less stress

  • You have a sense you're leaving money on the table

  • You suspect you're undervaluing yourself and underpricing

  • You're worried you're not being paid what you're really worth

  • You don't know how or when to change this frustrating situation

  • You care a great deal about integrity, reputation and being independent

This Program is not right for you if ...

  • You own a product-related company (retail, restaurants, wholesale, manufacturing)

  • Your company pursues government contracts or granting organizations

  • You subcontract to other companies as your main source of revenue

  • You are a freelancer or gig worker

Building Blocks

7941 Katy Fwy. #414
Houston, TX 77024 USA

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