
Interview Patty

Stay true to your concept.

018-How-to-react-to-criticism-in-businessHow to react to criticism in business?

Stay true to your concept

I think women face a major obstacle, no matter what their age, when they’re starting a new business: fear of criticism. Everyone faces criticism and skepticism when launching something new, but I think women tend to take criticism personally and have a built-in desire to please everyone. If you let critics sidetrack you and instill doubt about your business plan, you’ll spin your wheels and waste a lot of time. So my advice is to stay true to your concept in the face of whatever criticism you get. Use any skepticism or negativity about your ability to succeed as a challenge–prove them wrong!, says Stephanie King

Read the full article at: http://hear.ceoblognation.com/2013/04/04/seasoned-entrepreneurs-share-their-advice-for-young-female-entrepreneurs/

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