
Interview Patty

182 - 7 Ways to Shape the Culture of Your Company

Reinforce and build the company culture you want.

1. Get clear on your goals and priorities.

Your company culture needs to absorb what you consider most important - your company's priorities and objectives. As obvious as it sounds, many companies simply don't convey - clearly and effectively - what the business's priorities actually are.

2. Celebrate victories and behavior in alignment with your core values and brand immediately.

Highlight the great behavior; celebrate the story of the success. The closer you make the celebration to the behavior the more you reinforce the desired value. Over time it is these small steps that accumulate into your culture.

Send out a company-wide email retelling the story of the victory.

Highlight it at a meeting. (Up the ante by creating a memorable physical totem or symbol of this victory, one that you can pass on to the next person to celebrate the next victory.)

3. Look for small stories that symbolize deeper meaning.

You don't need to only highlight victories. Instead, also look for small occurrences in the company that symbolize deeper values you want the company to absorb.

4. Role model the behavior you want your team to internalize.

If you aren't consistent with what you're asking them to do, they'll spot it in an instant and you'll lose all credibility.

5. Use tough, emotional moments as examples of how serious your company is to live its goals and priorities.

A tough decision in alignment with your company values and priorities will have more impact on your real culture than any dozen "easy" moves you make.

6. Start from the point of recruitment

- bring your values and culture front and center into your hiring, selection, and orientation of new team members.
Build into your hiring process checks for personality and values fit with your company's. Make sure that when you bring on a new hire that explaining the company values isn't just a 10 minute talk, but it is something you share by having multiple people share stories and experiences to make those values and the culture real.

7. Accept that for most companies, building culture is a long, slow process of applying gentle pressure - relentlessly. 

Stay the course.

Source: inc

All the best!

Patty Block

Building Blocks

7941 Katy Fwy. #414
Houston, TX 77024 USA

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